Hearing loss isn’t strictly about volume. Many experience hearing loss in the frequencies and details of sound, making it difficult to understand rather than hear loud and clear. Others can be experiencing sound focusing issues.
You will have to know the real root of the hearing issue and visit a hearing specialist to determine the exact problem. In the meantime, read on for information that can help you determine what kind of hearing problem you may be experiencing.
The Nuances of Hearing Loss
Hearing loss can be different among people with hearing issues. Some experience hearing loss mainly as a volume-related hearing problem. The whole world may sound muted or muffled. Others experience hearing loss differently, and it’s not exactly the volume. If you want to know how to check for hearing loss accurately, look for loss of detail in certain sounds.
There is a difference between degenerative hearing loss and missing the actual details of the sound. Often you can test your hearing by checking if you hear the details, especially in speech. You may need to undergo a professional hearing test to determine the exact problem.
Missing Sound Frequencies
You may have a sloping type of hearing loss if you can hear low-frequency sounds such as vowels but lose detail for mid to high-pitched sounds or speech. This is the situation where you hear or still hear with slight volume problems but can’t exactly understand what was said.
Often, the sounds that fall under sibilance are dulled in this kind of hearing loss. S, sh, and other high-frequency treble-based sounds of speech may sound unclear. It includes other pronunciations of letters or words with sibilance-causing sounds such as th, v, k, and p.
It will cause hearing confusion for many words that have similar-sounding sounds. For example, you might mix up similar-sounding words like mister and blister, tin and fin, or sun and fun, which are just a few examples.
Misunderstanding can be very disappointing and can cause issues between people. It can also affect your type of work. Unfortunately, hearing loss involves other sound detection issues as well.
More Detailed Hearing Issues
Most people can hear talking over normal background noise that we encounter in daily life. As long as they don’t overpower two people talking, they should hear speech fine. However, those with sloping or high-frequency hearing loss will notice that normal speech hearing can be difficult. Their ears might not be able to focus on the speech or sounds, even at close distances.
There are other nuance issues with hearing. Even if they pass a hearing test, some people might notice problems with certain elements of their hearing. Some hearing issues don’t originate from ear problems. They may be related to an auditory processing disorder or APD. It’s a slight malfunction with hearing that may be hard to distinguish if it’s an ear problem or a sound processing problem in the brain.
Test Your Hearing
Hearing loss isn’t just about volume. It could be focused on certain types of sound. You could experience difficulty focusing on speech or sound with background noise. Sometimes the hearing issues may be deeper, perhaps a sound processing malfunction in the brain. You need a doctor who specializes in the right hearing issues.
Fortunately, we at Hear More Associates are greater Boston’s trusted hearing care experts. Get a hearing consultant in Massachusetts right away, and don’t let your hearing deteriorate even more. Book a free hearing test with us today!