In the US, a staggering 48 million adults suffer from some degree of hearing loss. That’s a lot of people.
To get a clearer picture, that’s just more than 1 in 10 people. So hearing loss may be more common than you’ve actually realized.
Hearing loss doesn’t just go away. It can’t be restored, and the longer you put off a hearing test, quite frankly, the worse it can get.
Deep down, you might know that your hearing is giving you trouble. You might think, A hearing loss is just a hearing loss. I’ll just get a hearing aid someday.
The truth is – there’s more to hearing loss than just that.
There are actually several types of hearing loss. They each have different causes and treatment options.
To help you understand more about hearing loss, I’ve put together this guide. As you’ll see, our ears are intricate organs. They play an important part in our lives, yet they’re fragile and can be easily damaged.
Read on to learn about the different types of hearing loss, their causes, and the treatment options available.
Types of Hearing Loss
Conductive Hearing Loss
occurs when the pathway between the outer ear and inner ear becomes blocked. Likely culprits may include a ruptured eardrum, earwax build-up, fluid from an ear infection, or a malformation along the middle ear pathway.
Fortunately, most of these causes can be treated and they’re only temporary conditions. Medication or surgery should remedy the problem.
If your conductive hearing loss can’t be treated, possible avenues to explore include hearing aids or middle ear transplants.
Sensorineural Hearing Loss
To understand Sensorineural Hearing Loss, let me explain the anatomy of your ears. Within the inner ear, you’ll find the cochlea, resembling a snail with its coiled cavity. It’s filled with liquid and lined with tiny sensors. These sensors convert sounds into nerve messages that the brain processes. Damaged sensors can affect your hearing.
But how can they become damaged?
Well, there’s a variety of ways. Aging, exposure to loud noises, Meniere’s disease, genetics, illness, and head trauma can all play a part in hearing loss.
Unfortunately, this damage can’t be reversed and if not treated, it can continue to deteriorate. Hearing aids are the most common solution, but for those with a profound hearing loss, cochlear implants can certainly help.
Mixed hearing loss
Mixed hearing loss is the third type of hearing loss, and it’s a hybrid of conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. Not only will the outer or middle ear be damaged, but there will also be a problem within the inner ear or along the nerve pathway en route to the brain.
Treatment comprises of hearing aids, plus medication or a surgical procedure.
If you’re worried or concerned about your hearing, don’t put off your hearing test. My team and I would be delighted to see you and help you to get on the road to better hearing. Call 781-863-8282 for your Free Hearing Evaluation.