Hearing is quintessential to quality of life. While hearing loss is a sure possibility as we age, we must preserve our hearing in our younger years for as long as possible. However, there are some instances where hearing loss could occur earlier in life due to certain conditions, such as spring allergies.
Spring allergies are precisely what they sound like: allergies that occur during spring. These allergies are commonly caused by pollen released by trees, flowers, and other plants. Conversely, spring allergies also cause hearing loss because the pollen can enter the inner ear and cause fluid to build up, affecting the inner ear and resulting in hearing loss. While it may seem like a one-in-a-million event, it does happen, and not many people know this.
For this reason, we’ll discuss how spring allergies and hearing loss are related. Read on below to get started.
More about Spring Allergies
Spring allergies, also known as seasonal allergies, are a type of allergy to pollen in the air. When the pollen is inhaled, it causes the body to become inflamed and causes the symptoms of an allergy, such as a runny nose, sneezing, and congestion. The pollen can also cause itching, rashes, and other skin irritations.
As mentioned earlier, pollen could enter the ear, which affects hearing. However, this is only scratching the surface, as spring allergies affect the ears in more ways than you may realize.
Spring Allergies and Ear Infections
Ear infections are a fairly common occurrence, especially in smaller kids. Usually, they occur when there is a buildup of fluid in the ear, causing a blockage. The blockage prevents sound waves from passing through, which impairs hearing.
The Eustachian tube is the connection between the ear and the nose. This tube is responsible for helping equalize pressure in the ear. Typically, this tube opens and closes as needed. However, in the case of spring allergies, the tube may not open properly and may close too quickly. Thie ear is closed off, which results in a buildup of fluid in the ear.
When pollen gets into the inner ear, it can cause the Eustachian tube to not open properly. Instead of the fluid from the ear draining out, the fluid stays within the ear. This leads to the same issues of swelling, congestion, and hearing loss in the worst-case scenario.
Changes In Atmospheric Conditions
The changes in atmospheric conditions, such as temperature and humidity, play an essential role in helping to alleviate the symptoms of spring allergies. When the spring winds blow, they cause the pollen to be released into the air and cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, the pollen is not only an issue in warmer weather, but it can also be problematic in the colder air.
What You Can Do
Losing your hearing loss from mere allergies is a daunting thought. Luckily, there are a few strategies you can use to aid in relieving spring allergies, such as:
Staying Indoors
This may sound excessive, but it’s vital to the health of your ears. Staying indoors does not just help with the pollen, but it can also help keep you away from other allergens. It also helps keep you away from the cold, making your ears even more vulnerable to losing their hearing.
Removing Your Hearing Aid
If you’re wearing a hearing aid and not using it, it’s best to remove it. Spring allergies can affect hearing aids because they are worn in the ear, an entry point for allergens. If these allergens build up in your ear, they can wear the hearing aid down and ultimately render it broken.
Wearing a Mask
During allergy season, it’s not uncommon to see people wearing a mask. Allergy masks can help filter pollen out of the air you are breathing. This goes a long way to prevent pollen from entering your ears and causing harm.
Visiting Your Doctor
If you have severe allergies or a history of hearing loss, you should visit your doctor and have your ears checked. They will be able to help you diagnose your allergies and may be able to alleviate the symptoms that you are having.
Spring allergies and their relationship to hearing loss is a rather interesting phenomenon. While it is rare, it does occur, and some steps can be taken to help alleviate some of the symptoms of allergies or even prevent them from occurring in the first place. Just be sure to keep yourself safe, and you may prevent hearing loss from happening.
If you’re looking for a free hearing test in Massachusetts, Hear More Associates is the place for you! Our audiologists will ensure that your hearing needs are addressed to maintain your quality of life. Reach out today to schedule a free consultation!