If you have worn hearing aids for more than three years, you might be wondering if it’s time for new ones. You may be considering a change because of some problem with your current devices. Or maybe you just feel that it’s time for something new.
But before all that, it is important to consider the other factors that may make a hearing aid upgrade or repair worthwhile. If your hearing aids are due for a tune-up or they are not working as well as they once did, it is worth scheduling an appointment to discuss options for upgrades or repairs.
If you’re unsure of when it’s time to get new hearing aids, here are four signs:
Change in Health or Hearing
If you do not suffer from any health problems or your hearing has not changed since you first received your devices, then it’s probably not necessary to get new hearing aids.
However, if you have recently suffered from a bout of illness—like the flu—or you have noticed a change in your hearing, it is worth your time to get an examination and discuss your options with your hearing care professional.
Your Hearing Aids are Seven Years Old or More
It’s a bit of a debate whether you should upgrade to new hearing aids every three to four years or wait until your current instruments are seven years old. Most hearing aid professionals recommend that you upgrade at the three-year mark for your convenience.
However, if your hearing instruments are running well and you do not experience hearing problems out of the ordinary, it is not a bad idea to wait. It’s very common not to want to deal with the hassle of changing hearing aid styles, or you’re not in the market for new hearing aids.
Major Lifestyle Changes
Significant life changes, such as a career change or retirement, can serve as an excellent time to consider hearing aid upgrades. New employment opportunities may be easier to fulfill if you have better hearing, and retirement can be achieved with a better quality of life if you have better hearing.
If you have just moved, the change in your environment—like the background noises or the weather patterns—may require new hearing aids.
Changes in Your Hearing Instrument
Over time, your hearing instrument may get dirty, lose battery power, or stop working. You may also want to consider upgrading if you’re going to try a new style of hearing aid.
But, if you notice that your hearing aid is not working as well as it once did, you should probably get it checked out right away. You may be able to get a free cleaning or have the device repaired if you have a longer repair and replacement warranty.
If you have been wearing the same hearing aid models and styles for a while, you may be ready to switch things up a bit. There are a lot of new technologies that are available that are not available in older models.
The Bottom Line
If you are experiencing problems with your hearing aid, it is important to get it checked out as soon as possible. However, a hearing aid upgrade is not necessary for many people until an older device stops working or some other change makes hearing aid upgrades desirable.
Hearing aids are meant to be replaced every five to seven years anyway because of how quickly technology changes. Beyond this time frame, consider these four factors when it comes time to upgrade your hearing instruments.
If you are looking for the best hearing aids available, we can help you. Hear More Associates are the most trusted hearing care specialists throughout Lexington and Greater Boston, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island. Our goal is to help our patients live comfortably to the fullest. Schedule an appointment with us today!