Everything You Need to Know About Noise-Induced Hearing Loss - Hear More Associates


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Some people don’t think too much about their ears or sense of hearing. Most assume that their ears are working fine at all times. Unless you notice something significantly off with your hearing, you wouldn’t consider coming in for a hearing test in your area. However, negligence can come into play when you ignore just how much noise and loud sounds your ears can tolerate.

Frequent and prolonged exposure to hazardous noise can result in noise-induced hearing loss. This kind of hearing loss can worsen over the years, and you will need to go to the best hearing clinic for treatment. 

If you want to learn more about noise-induced hearing loss, read on. In this article, you will know about noise-induced hearing loss, its causes, symptoms, effects, and a few ways to prevent it.

What is Noise-Induced Hearing Loss?

Noise-induced hearing loss is related to the permanent damage to stereocilia, which are the tiny hair cells in the ears. This type of hearing loss generally comes from prolonged exposure to loud and powerful sounds that damage your hearing. 

What Are the Causes of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss?

The most common cause of hearing loss from noise is exposure to frequent loud sounds for an extended period. An example is a noise that you hear in a woodworking shop. When these loud noises infiltrate your ears, they produce strong vibrations that can cause permanent damage to your hearing.

Many other activities or occupations can lead to hearing loss in adults and kids. Here are some of these activities:

  • Attending loud concerts frequently
  • Being around people creating loud noises over a long period
  • Playing orchestra or in a band 
  • Riding motorcycles
  • Listening to music with maximum volume while wearing earbuds or headphones

What Are the Symptoms of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss?

Here are a few of the symptoms to check if you have this kind of hearing loss: 

  • You always shout or talk loudly
  • You experience pain in the ears when you are exposed to loud noise
  • You have tinnitus or experience buzzing or roaring, ringing, and whooshing sounds in your ears
  • You rarely experience double hearing or diplacusis


What Are the Effects of Exposure to Loud Noise?

Besides damaging your hearing, frequent exposure to loud noise can result in:

  • Anxiety and Depression
  • High blood pressure
  • Increased heart rate
  • Insomnia
  • Isolation
  • Stress

How To Prevent Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

One means to prevent hearing loss is through the help of hearing aids. 

More so, you can reduce the risk of damage to your ears in these ways:

  • Avoid and reduce your exposure to the sources of loud sounds that contribute to hearing loss
  • Get rid of the origin of loud sounds when possible
  • Turn down the volume when you listen to music, especially when using earphones or headphones
  • Consider using hearing protection devices
  • Stay healthy because some medical conditions can damage your delicate ear hairs

The Bottom Line

Anybody can lose their sense of hearing, and some problems can be so extreme that they are permanent and irreversible. Because of this possibility, you must make it a priority to care for your hearing and change harmful habits you may have.

If you’re feeling worried, you should know that noise-related hearing loss is treatable. All you have to do is get a proper diagnosis from your hearing consultant, so check the levels of your hearing with Hear More Associates. Book an appointment for a free test today, and we will connect you to a hearing specialist in Massachusetts to address your health concerns.


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