Hearing loss is a common problem, affecting people of all ages. While it is more common in older adults, hearing loss can occur at any age. If you think you might have hearing loss, it’s important to see a doctor or audiologist for a hearing test. It’s important to get your hearing checked on a regular basis, especially as you get older. By getting your hearing checked regularly, you can make sure that your hearing is in good condition and that any problems are addressed early. Let’s talk about how often you should get your hearing checked so you know if you have any hearing problems.
Who Should Get Their Hearing Checked?
Anyone can get their hearing checked, but people who are at risk for hearing loss, such as people over the age of 50, people who have a family history of hearing loss, or people who have a chronic medical condition, are more likely to have difficulty hearing. If you have any difficulty hearing, it’s essential to see a doctor or audiologist to make sure that your hearing is in good condition.
Hearing tests are available for children, adults, and anyone regardless of age and gender. If a child or adult is somehow experiencing early signs of hearing loss. It’s best to have their hearing tested immediately. To give you an idea, here are some of the common signs that you or someone you know may be experiencing some form of hearing loss:
Pain in the ears
Experience frequent high pitch sounds
Difficulty hearing
Sounds become muffled
How Often Should You Get a Hearing Test?
As mentioned above, this depends on a lot of factors, including your age and some of the other risk factors that you have, such as any pre-existing conditions. But if you are interested in how often you should get your hearing tested, here’s a simple enough guide for you to follow:
– If you are over the age of 50, it is generally recommended that you get your hearing checked every three years.
– If you are under the age of 50 and have a family history of hearing loss, it is recommended that you get your hearing checked every five years.
– If you have been exposed to loud noise on a regular basis, it is also recommended that you get your hearing checked more frequently. This is because exposure to loud noise can damage your hearing and lead to hearing loss.
– If you are over the age of 60, hard of hearing, and require the use of hearing aids, it’s recommended that you get a hearing test every three years. The tests are done to maintain your hearing health and to also check your hearing aid’s functionality.
It’s important to get your hearing checked regularly in order to identify any potential hearing problems early on. Depending on your age, health history, and occupation, you may need to get your hearing checked more or less often. Early detection and treatment of hearing loss can help you maintain your quality of life and keep your independence.
Getting a hearing test every few years is vital for anyone concerned with their hearing health. That’s why Hear More Associates is here to provide our community with free hearing tests in Massachusetts. As Greater Boston’s most trusted team of hearing care specialists, we provide an honest and transparent approach to hearing care. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.