Tinnitus is often a recurring problem for many people. It comes and goes unpredictably and can also be experienced for a long time. Many people find that tinnitus tends to flare up after long and noisy days, and silent periods can worsen the characteristic ringing. Besides the ringingThey often hear clicking or hissing sounds, too.
Sometimes, it can seem like there’s no other way to manage your tinnitus and that the condition will impact your life more than you’re comfortable with. Tinnitus can often be lessened by using hearing aids.
See your audiologist to learn more about how hearing aids can be used to stop tinnitus sounds in the ears. In the meantime, here’s what you need to know about how hearing aids can reduce tinnitus.
Hearing Aids Can Be Beneficial in Managing Tinnitus
Hearing aids can help people manage tinnitus and other auditory issues. These devices can decrease and redirect the noises heard in cases of hearing loss. This capability allows the user to listen at an average volume again and bridges the gap between normal hearing and the troubling symptoms of tinnitus.
Hearing aids also lessen the tinnitus a person experiences over time. The more often a hearing aid is used, the less a person will notice the ringing, hissing, rushing, or whooshing in the ears. In fact, it may remove tinnitus entirely.
Talk to an audiologist about whether you need to have a hearing aid as part of your early-detection melioration plan. It will depend on your lifestyle and the hearing loss you’ve experienced.
What Would Hearing Aid Be Best for You?
If you’ve never worn hearing aids before, finding the right solution for your tinnitus can be difficult. However, working with an audiologist throughout the process will make it easier to find the right hearing aid for you.
Because there are many hearing aid styles on the market, you might be confused about their differences. With this in mind, check out these three common types.
1. Behind the Ear (BTE)
A behind-the-ear hearing aid is mounted over the top of an ear, with a tube connecting the device to the hearing aid itself. Behind-the-ear hearing aids are perfect for mild to moderate hearing loss and work well for people experiencing both short-term and long-term tinnitus. A BTE, or “behind the ear” hearing aid, may be fitted with multiple features and has better sound direction and amplification than other hearing aids, such as the ITE or OTE.
2. In the Canal (ITC)
An ITC hearing aid is fitted into the ear canal for people with moderate to severe hearing impairment that often accompanies tinnitus. A smaller form of hearing aid, it is designed to be less visible than the other models and can be customized with various hearing accessories.
3. In the Ear (ITE)
ITE hearing aids come in two parts: a bottom half called the shell, and the rest of the hearing aid, which is filled with liquid to keep it in place. Besides helping with tinnitus, it’s also carefully concealed to appear almost invisible when worn.
If you’ve been diagnosed with tinnitus, your hearing loss experience won’t be as impactful if you work with an audiologist; make sure you work with one to find a hearing solution that works for you.
To get started, contact the professionals at Hear More Associates today to schedule a hearing test. Our hearing care specialists are available to patients around Lexington and Greater Boston, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island. Book a consult with us and see what kind of hearing aids you might need.