Summertime Hearing Health Advice for Your Hearing Aids - Hear More Associates


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800 Turnpike St
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Suite 200 75 Gilcrest Rd,
nderry, NH

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If you’re one of those people who look forward to summers, you most likely anticipate time off and possibly traveling abroad. That’s a wonderful plan because summer is an ideal season that brings sunny days, nice weather, school holidays, and lots of time spent outdoors.

However, summer can also provide its own challenges for those wearing hearing aids. If you’re wearing hearing aids, the sections below will provide tips on how to deal with several difficulties people with hearing aids face during the summer.

Heat or Moisture Exposure

When exposed to heat or moisture, hearing aids might become harmed. The two worst enemies of hearing aids in the summer are perspiration and water, and sudden temperature fluctuations can lead to condensation and an increased tendency to sweat. 

All these harm your hearing aids and could stop them from functioning properly.

Reduced battery life, intermittent performance, and distorted or poor sound quality could be the results of damage. Take your hearing aids off when exercising outside if it’s pouring or very hot.


Take precautions against probable ear issues if the weather is hot before cooling off with a swim in the pool. All water contains bacteria, but untreated water like that in rivers, lakes, and the ocean has higher quantities.

The ear canal is lovely and warm when bacteria gets stuck in there, making it the ideal environment for the bacteria to grow. This might result in an infection of the skin inside the ear, which would cause inflammation and be very painful.

Unreasonable Noise

Your ears should be protected against loud noises for the sake of your hearing. Everyone in the family should practice noise protection, not just during obvious occasions like noisy sporting events or concerts, and not just when using electrical appliances like lawnmowers and home improvement power tools.

Social Occasions

The summer season is when people get together for picnics, fairs, festivals, and gatherings. Make sure you have a plentiful supply of batteries, domes, cleaners, and filters before holiday travel or social occasions since your family will be happy to hear that you are taking care of your hearing health by using your hearing aids. 

Sunscreen Oils

Apply sunscreen completely before putting on your hearing aids since sunscreen contains oils that can harm them. 

Before putting your hearing aids back on, make sure the sunscreen is completely absorbed or dry to prevent the oils from leaking into the microphone ports and exposed seams.


This advice on hearing aid health will help you avoid problems this summer. In order to dry out any moisture, unlock the battery door at night and allow dry, fresh air to circulate through the hearing aid.

Keep your hearing aids out of the sun and in a case that offers protection when not in use. Avoid keeping your hearing aids in humid areas like glove compartments, dashboards, or other places where heat and moisture might accumulate.

Before taking a shower, going swimming, or engaging in any activity that could expose you to water, take your hearing aids out of the case. Never use cotton buds to remove water from your ears if it gets in there.

Avoid placing things in your ears, such as cotton-tipped swabs or fingers, and leave earwax alone. Please schedule a visit at a nearby hearing care facility if you believe you have a wax buildup so they can remove it safely.

If you’re looking for top-quality hearing aids in Londonderry, be sure to check out Hear More Associates! We have the most reliable hearing care specialists throughout Lexington, Greater Boston, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island. Check out our products and services today!

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