Most children with hearing loss are born to parents with normal hearing. That means they may face difficulties when they are growing up.
If your child is diagnosed before age three, there’s a good chance they’ll go to a school for children with hearing loss. There, they’ll learn to communicate using sign language or with special technology so they can keep up with other students.
In this guide, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about experiencing hearing loss.
Common Causes of Hearing Loss
1) Otitis Media
Otitis Media, or “middle ear infection”, is the most commonly experienced ear infection in children. It can be caused by a virus or by bacteria.
The pain and infection in the ear causes fluid to develop in the middle ear. This can block the ear canal and cause hearing loss. Many kids with otitis media have temporary hearing loss which goes away when the infection goes away.
2) Birth Problems
Because newborns can’t tell us about their pain, we have to watch for changes in behavior. If your newborn is fussy, irritable, or seems to be in a lot of pain, he or she may have a middle ear infection.
Some birth problems cause fluid to leak into the middle ear or problems with the eardrum. Sometimes, this fluid can fill the middle ear and cause the eardrum to rupture.
3) Contracting Illnesses
Many illnesses that infants get, like colds and flu, can cause temporary hearing loss. The ear infections that are a part of these illnesses can cause fluid to build up in the ear, which can cause hearing loss.
Hearing loss caused by illness is often temporary. But, it can be a sign that your child is sick and needs medical attention.
Symptoms of Hearing Loss
1) Delayed or No Response to Your Voice
When your child can’t hear you, he or she has a harder time learning. When your child doesn’t respond to your voice, it can be a sign of hearing loss.
It’s no fun to be ignored by a parent or sibling. If your child doesn’t respond to your voice, it’s a sign that he or she is having problems hearing.
2) No Reaction to Loud Noises
If your child doesn’t react to loud noises, that can be a sign that he or she has hearing loss.
When your child doesn’t respond to loud sounds, it can be a sign that he or she is having hearing problems. The ear and middle ear can be damaged by infections or diseases.
3) Making Sounds and Trailing Off
If your child makes a sound, like saying “hi”, but doesn’t finish the word, it can be a sign of hearing loss.
This is a sign that your child is having hearing problems. Often, the sounds that your child hears are fuzzy or muffled. This can make it harder for your child to make out words.
Hearing loss can cause many problems for children. It can make it hard for them to communicate with friends and family. It can also affect their mood.
To ensure your child is of optimal hearing health, take a free hearing test in Lexington. Hear More Associates has all the resources you will need for your child. Consult with us today.